The dental device “EndoEst” is designed for:
Select Delivery set
1. Аpexlocator (AL) – localization of the root canal apical constriction:
2. PULP TESTER (PULP) – determination of the tooth pulp clinical state – electro-odonto-diagnostic:
3. Depophores (DР) -copper-calcium depophoresis under methodic «HUMANCHEMIE GmbH»:
Indications for the depophoresis procedure:
— Infectious processes in root canals, including roots of curved molars, upper wisdom teeth, obliterated canals and teeth covered with crowns;
— Periodontitis;
— Cysts;
— Osteolysis;
— Pulpitis (after pulp devitalizing).
4. Аnode sterilization (AS) – is sterilization of gangrenous root canal by direct current:
The oral fluid is used as electrolyte, which in the electrolytic dissociation, forms a chlorine in a canal. In addition to chloro-therapy of the canal at the anode sterilization of dentinal tubules and periapex in microcanal partial entered by microorganisms which, when negatively charged, rush to the positive electrode. Thus, there decontamination of the canal and apical delta occurs.
Therapeutic effect:
— Chlorine-therapy of the canal;
— Decontamination of canal and apical delta;
— Increasing of acidity in peri-apex.
5. Electrophoresis (ION) – pharmaceutical electrophoresis in root canal and periodontium:
When operating in this mode you can carry out the following procedures:
а) hydroxyl (non-drug) iontophoresis. Electrolyte – interstitial fluid of the root canal.
Therapeutic effect:
– Antibacterial action of hydroxyl ions chlorine;
– Lysis of residual organic substances;
– Normalization of pH in periapex;
– Activation of the calcining process in periapex;
– Analgesic effect.
b) iontophoresis (eg, iodine). Electrolyte – a saturated solution of potassium iodide in distilled water (2-3 drops).
Therapeutic effect:
– Relief of inflammatory processes in the acute stage;
– Bone regeneration;
– Decontamination of root canal.
Other features and advantages of the “EndoEst” device:
The set consists of
File clip is used as a clip of an active electrode (file) during the apex location procedure.
Probe for electroodontodiagnostics (EOD) and dentometry. It is used as an active electrode during EOD and dentometry procedures.
Lip clip is used as a passive electrode during the apex location procedure. It is fixed on the patient’s lip.
Used as passive electrode during procedures of depophoresis, electrophoresis and anode sterilization. Fixed on patient’s labia.
Cable for «Estus Multi», «EndoEst-Apex 02 (С)», «EndoEst-3D», «EndoEst» devices.
Cable for charging stand «Estus Energy-S» / «Estus Energy-D» and «Estus Multi», «EndoEst-Apex 02 (С)», «EndoEst-3D», «EndoEst» devices.
1.The manufacturer guarantees the device successful operation according to the technical specification requirements, technical conditions 9444-011-56755207-2010 when the user follows all the regulations, service and storage conditions.
2. Warranty period of the device use is 2 years since the day of sale, but not more than 2,5 years since the day of manufacturing (except p.3).
3. The battery and charger warranty period in the device delivery set is 6 months since the sale date. Guaranteed use period of the «Signal Line” cable and file clip is 1 month since the sale date.
4. Devices, having mechanical defects or used improperly according to the user’s guide, invalidate the guarantee of repair.
5. The manufacturer or other authorized service department repair the device. The device delivery to service department for warranty or extended services is done at the expense of the device owner.
Before addressing to the service department connect to the manufacturer consultant on the hotline: Phone: +7(495) 663-22-11 (extension 109), E-mail: geosoftdent@
6. The device is accepted for warranty repair only IN COMPLETE package, involving Quality Warranty Card with the stamp of the manufacturer and with the product selling mark. If the Quality Warranty Card is filled improperly, it can be a reason for warranty repair rejection.
7. The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes and supplements to the device construction not worsening its basic technical specification.
Miniature apexlocator “Estus Apex” for localization of the root canal apical constriction with correction function depending on the used irrigating solution.
Device “Estus Multi” for localization of the root canal apical constriction during endodontic treatment, as well as for managing the settings and indicating the operating parameters of all functional devices of the Dental Complex “Estus”.
Apexlocator «EndoEst-Apex 02(C)» for root canal apical constriction localization with measurement correction function depending on the irrigation solution used.
The dental device “EndoEst-3D” is designed for:
– localization of the root canal apical constriction;
– determination of the tooth pulp clinical state – electro-odonto-diagnostic;
– determination of the vital teeth over pulpal dentin, e.g. for deepness determination of the tooth preparation under unit cast and ceramic fixed prosthesis.